Sunday, March 7, 2010


I haven't left the house this entire weekend aside from seeing Alice and Wonderland, a bike ride, and a jog with the pup. Normally, things such as staying in on a Saturday night and having my mom turn me down on sharing a glass of wine would bother me. I might have even called myself a loser twice, but looking back on it I'm proud of the self-control that has persevered throughout the entire past week. I've been able to focus on the upcoming show by watching numerous runway collections and listening to off the radar bands for music ideas. I've also done some sketching and plan on beginning the collection this week. More exciting news is that I had two New York fashion businesses contact me this weekend about job opportunities and I will be speaking with them at the beginning of the week. My life is such a whirlwind right now.
Yesterday, like I said, Piper and I went on a 30 minute jog and then a bike ride. She did really well with her smaller, pink leash that had been retired since her baby days. I think the bulky black one that I tried to graduate her into is much too cumbersome and annoying for her as of yet... and apparently feels great on her teeth because she sinks her mouth into it at any chance she can get, pulling me like she's a mini horse wearing a bridle.
Today I plan on increasing the run to 45 minutes, I wonder if there's any other runner trying to get back their endurance within a week of the River Run. Maybe I was foolish to sign up, but I'm also a little curious as to what I can push my body to do in six days. When I lived near campus I used to run miles on a daily basis and I forgot how great I feel when I begin the day with a run, I'm glad I've been bullied back into this. Now all I'm missing for a little more motivation is some sunshine.... come on Florida, show us what you've got....

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